Do you have a loved one with untreated hearing loss? In How Hearing Loss Impacts Relationships: Motivating Your Loved One by Richard Carmen, you and your family will learn and understand the resistance of living with a family member and/or friend living with untreated hearing loss.

More than 28 million Americans have a form of hearing loss. Approximately 20% out some type of help for themselves. However, of the 80%, many of them dismiss the extent of the problem or even deny they have the problem at all. One thing that is most common is the vast majority are resistant to seeking help in this area, resulting of millions of families and loved ones in during unnecessary stress and conflict.

It’s been said that this is the first book that exclusively describes for families how to manage the frustrations of resistant friends and families who will not seek treatment for their hearing loss. Like an onion, it peels away layer after layer after layer and exposes what’s truly going on behind the resistance.

For many this comes with old age but that is not necessarily the majority. You will find vanity and stigma is addressed head on in this book. You will also be shown steps on how to conquer both emotional and psychological consequences that can often bring stress in crisis to the entire family.

You’re a fascinating insights into the psychological mechanisms that are behind this resistance. They are clarified and show me essential we’re all family members playing in shifting the mindset of someone who struggles to hear and bring them to hearing independence. You will be inspired to make adjustments in the lives of those with untreated hearing loss that can result in profound changes and a happier higher quality of life for everyone.

Although this book was written in March 2005 it still holds relevant today. It’s an easy read that gives greater understanding to how hearing loss both the one with hearing issues and those who are in the household.

Pick up a copy today to learn more about how to deal with your loved one and the frustration associated with hearing loss that they are experiencing. You will be glad you did.