Old Fashioned Hearing Aid
Hearing Aids in Marietta sure have changed a lot over the past 50 years. I remember when we had to use large behind the ear Analog hearing aids “like what Grand Dad or Grand Mom had to wear” – thankfully hearing aids are much smaller and analog technology has been replaced with today’s advanced computerized technology.
The Best Hearing Aids Available In Marietta And Cobb County
At Cobb Hearing Aid Services we only offer the best hearing aids in Marietta and all of Cobb County from the top major manufacturers. Each manufacturer has proprietary technology and different price points. When you do not have the right information choosing your best hearing solution can seem overwhelming. Each individual has unique requirements for their need, degree of hearing loss, ear structure, lifestyle and budget. At Cobb Hearing Aid Services we help you select the hearing aid style and technology with your needs in mind.
The solution that is best for you may not be the best for another patient. We help each individual to find the best solution for them. That is why we say “Better hearing through personal care”.
Hearing Aids – Where To Begin
It all starts with the hearing care professional’s expertise. There are several paths that can be taken to purchase a hearing device. The benefit from hearing aids is not necessarily about the instruments but is about the counsel and services related to the delivery of the whole system. You can buy amplifiers on the internet, over-the-counter, or possibly from a manufacturer, but ultimately, the best solutions are found face-to-face with a caring professional.
After over 55 years of experience working with patients it has become obvious that working with a professional makes a huge difference. We believe there is a care-oriented or service mindset in hearing healthcare.
Choosing The Right Hearing Aid For Your Lifestyle

The Latest of “Behind The Ear” Style Hearing Aids
When choosing hearing aids in Marietta, Cobb County or the surrounding area there are many different types of hearing aids available. When you don’t have the right help it can seem overwhelming to choose the right hearing aid for your specific hearing loss and lifestyle. At Cobb Hearing Aid Services, we are here to help you find the best device for all of your hearing needs.
When finding the right hearing aid for your specific hearing needs we consider a few factors: degree of hearing loss, lifestyle, and budget. Depending on the severity of your hearing loss, there are different levels of hearing aid technology that are designed to help with more severe cases of hearing loss. We will also have a conversation with you and get to know you and what types of listening environments you spend the most time in. If you live a busy and active lifestyle, then you will need a higher level of hearing aid technology that will be able to help you hear your best, even in the most challenging environments. If you live a more sedentary lifestyle, you have one-on-one conversations and spend most of your time at home, then we won’t recommend as advanced as a device.
Types Of Hearing Aid Styles
Let me go through some of types of devices. Although there are mother options available, depending on your hearing loss, this will cover the most common solutions that most people are familiar with.
Behind The Ear
Behind The Ear or BTE style devices are worn on the outside of your ear and are placed behind the ear as well. This is the type of device most people think about when it comes to hearing aids. These are available in a variety of colors, are wireless and have rechargeable solutions for your convenience. These are a great solution if you have tinnitus and/or moderate to severe hearing loss.

In The Ear
Next are In The Ear or ITE style devices are worn in your ear not outside. These are available in a variety of colors, are wireless and have rechargeable solutions for your convenience. These are a great solution if you have tinnitus and/or mild to severe hearing loss.

In Canal
In Canal hearing aids come in a few variations. Depending on the device they can help with a wide range of types of hearing loss. They vary in style from a behind the ear look to virtually unseen with the completely in canal device style.
Receiver In Canal or RIC style devices are worn on the outside of your ear with the receiver placed in your ear canal. RICs are available in a variety of colors, are wireless and have rechargeable solutions for your convenience. These are a great solution if you have tinnitus and/or mild to severe hearing loss. RICs also have a single sided solution as well.
In The Canal or ITC devices come in a variety of colors, are wireless and have rechargeable solutions for your convenience. These are a great solution if you have tinnitus and/or mild to mildly severe hearing loss.
Completely In Canal or CIC style hearing aids are available in a variety of colors, are wireless and are a great solution if you have tinnitus and/or mild to moderate hearing loss.

Invisible Devices
Invisible devices also known as IICs do come in a variety of colors, are wireless and are a great solution if you have tinnitus and/or mild to moderately severe hearing loss.

Where And How To Get Hearing Aids In Marietta And The Surrounding Area
If you live in Marietta, Cobb County or any of the surrounding area and have asked how do I find hearing aids near me, then you are on the right website. You found it!
Call us today at 770-509-0207 for a private and personal hearing consultation. You’ll be glad you did!